About Our Program

LifeYou Gives, a 501c3 non-profit with a mission to impact our community through education and empowerment. Our mission is to empower our youth by providing them with the tools, mentorship, and opportunities needed to realize their full potential. This nonprofit organization has taken its passion for helping underprivileged kids and run with it through its Young Scholars Program. We are on a mission to help young people—mainly in the 12 to 17 range—discover who they are, their purpose, and how best to find their way in life. We aim to provide opportunities many underserved youths miss, such as career exposure, technology education, and personal development.
Many young people face barriers that limit their potential, which is why LifeYou Gives provides life skills and resources that can make a difference. Such as mentoring sessions, educational field trips, and workshops aimed to develop them as people and in their careers. Our outreach also provides bi-annual basic needs assistance to our communities (clothing, etc.) Our Young Scholars Program is one answer to this gap – programs that more effectively equip youth with the skills they need to navigate life successfully. Our Young Scholars Program seeks to respond specifically to that gap by preparing young people for what awaits them. We aim to arm our youth with practical advice, life literacy, and holistic health living tips so they avoid the traps that will stunt their growth.